Petro-SIM 7.1 integration with 3rd Party Products

Note: All these feature require additional licenses beyond the standard Petro-SIM license, unless otherwise indicated.

OLI® Electrolytes

Phenolic Sour Water Stripper simulation case

What is OLI®?

  • The OLI Alliance Engine is a comprehensive electrolyte chemistry modeling, simulation and analysis software package that includes a very deep range of thermodynamic and thermophysical property models, solvers, phase and equilibrium calculations for third party process simulators (
  • OLI® is used for applications such as process modeling, prediction of corrosion and scale environments and water management; all of which require rigorous prediction of chemical reactions and phase behavior of complex mixtures of chemicals in water under varying temperatures, pressures and ionic strengths.

The integration of the OLI® Engine in Petro-SIM consists of two phases. Petro-SIM v7.1 includes functionalities of the initial phase offering the following features:

  • Accessing the Chemistry wizard from Petro-SIM’s basis environment.
  • Reactive flash in material streams.
  • Report true composition in the material stream.
  • Report scaling tendencies.
  • Report electrolyte properties such as:
    • pH
    • Osmotic pressure
    • Ionic Strength
    • Electrical conductivity
  • Report electrolyte chemical species.
  • Electrolyte/non-electrolytic column solver.
  • Simple solid separator unit operation.


Coilsim extension view

What is Coilsim1D®?

  • COILSIM1D is developed by AVGI, a technology and consulting company based in Ghent, Belgium. Their focus is optimizing steam cracking and maximizing economics in the petro-chemical industry. AVGI was spun out of Ghent University in 2015 and remains closely affiliated with Ghent University’s Laboratory for Chemical Technology. For more information, visit
  • The COILSIM1D extension in Petro-SIM can be used to simulate and optimize steam cracking of hydrocarbons in a tubular reactor. It can simulate these processes for a wide range of feedstocks, from light alkanes such as ethane and propane, up to complex mixtures such as naphthas and heavy gas oils.
  • This extension runs in Petro-SIM v7.

HTRI® Suite 8.1

  • The HTRI Suite 8.1 was released on October 15, 2019 (
  • Petro-SIM v7.1 can perform heat exchanger rating calculations using the new suite.